Identity Verification Module

Privo.verification.showVerification(profile: UserVerificationProfile) { 
  (verificationEvents: [VerificationEvent]) in

Used to show PRIVO Verification Modal Dialog

UserVerificationProfile - optional user predefined profile

public struct UserVerificationProfile: Encodable {
  public var firstName: String?
  public var lastName: String?
  public var birthDateYYYYMMDD: String? //  Optional date string in the "yyyy-MM-dd" date-format
  public var email: String?
  public var postalCode: String?
  public var phone: String? //  Optional phone number in E.164 format. Example: "+12133734253"
  public var partnerDefinedUniqueID: String?  // Optional unique identifier passed by Partner and returned in all responses by PRIVO.

completion - closure which used to handle the result of an asynchronous operation and takes as input argument array of VerificationEvent instancies.

public struct VerificationEvent: Decodable, Hashable {
  public let event: VerificationEventType // the event type. Can be: verifyInitialized, verifyError, verifyCancel, verifyComplete, verifyDone
  public let result: VerificationResult? // verification result data from PRIVO
  public let data: String? // The string representation of result object.
  public let errorCode: String? // Error Code
  public let errorMessage: String? // Error message

Verification Events:
verifyInitialized - When the verification widget has initialized.
verifyCancel - When user has canceled the verification.
verifyComplete - When user has successfully completed the verification process and has been verified.
verifyDone - When the user has completed the verification and closed the verification widget.
verifyError - If an error occurs. See Error Codes section.

Possible Error Codes:

Error CodeError Message
10001Invalid API Key or access_token
10002Missing site_id parameter
10003Unexpected error
10100Invalid email address
10101Misconfigured verification methods
public struct VerificationResult: Decodable, Hashable {
  public let serviceId: String? // If the user has opted to save their verification status by adding a password, then a serviceId will be generated
  public let verificationResponse: VerificationResponse // Verification response data
public struct VerificationResponse: Decodable, Hashable {
  public let verified: Bool // user verification status
  public let requestID: String // Unique identifier for the verification request. The partner should retain this value for traceability.
  public let transactionID: String // Unique identifier for the transaction. Partner can retain this value for traceability.
  public let verificationMethod: VerificationMethodType // The verification method chosen by the user. Possible values: CreditCard, DriversLicense, SSN, CorporateEmail, PrintForm, Phone
  public let matchOutcome: VerificationOutcome // Specific outcome for the verification request. Possible values: Pass, Pending (when the user has chosen an offline method of verification, such as Phone or PrintForm, matchOutcome will be ‘Pending’).
  public let requestTimestamp: Date // Date of the completed verification request.
  public let locale: String // Location of the user as defined by their browser settings.
  public let matchCode: String? // A code that identifies the field groups that are matched in the verification request. May be nil.
  public let redirectUrl: String? // Return URL address passed by partner to send the user directly following onVerifyDone event. May be nil.
  public let message: String? // For debug reasons - if error occurs error message will be provided here. May be nil.
  public let partnerDefinedUniqueID: String? // Value passed by partner in config of the verification request. PRIVO returns this value in the onVerifyComplete event. Can be nil.
  //Applicable to offline methods only
  public let identificationNumber: String? // nique number provided to user when an offline verification method is chosen. This value can be used by Partner and PRIVO to identify the given pending request.
  public let attemptId: Int? // Identifier used to notate the attempt request.
  public let requestIdentifier: String

Identity Verification SDK example

let profile = UserVerificationProfile(
    firstName: "{{value}}",
    lastName: "{{value}}",
    birthDateYYYYMMDD: "1970-01-01",
    email: "{{value}}",
    postalCode: "{{value}}",
    phone: "{{value}}",
    partnerDefinedUniqueID: "{{value}}",
Privo.verification.showVerificationModal(profile) { 
    verificationEvents in
    for verificationEvent in verificationEvents {

Identity Verification Module Swift UI Components

PrivoVerificationButton(label: {
  Text("Show Verification")
}, onFinish: { 
    events in = events
}, profile: nil).padding()