
Imprort PRIVO SDK in files where you want to use it:

  import PrivoSDK

Init PrivoSDK with credentials provided by PRIVO:

Privo.initialize( settings: PrivoSettings(serviceIdentifier: "{{value}}", envType: .Prod,  apiKey: "{{value}}"))

serviceIdentifier - required partner identifier in PRIVO system. Must be received from the PRIVO

envType - type on enviroment on what are you going to use PRIVO
Can be Int or Prod

For integration purpose partners should use Int Enviroment
For production apps partners should use Prod Enviroment

apiKey - an optional parameter that is used in the identity verification module (can be nil)

Note: Make sure that you have initialized the PRIVO SDK before any usage of it. It is a good idea to do this immediately after launching the application.

Init PrivoSDK:

  struct DemoApp: App {
    init() {
      // You can add your settings rirht here
        settings: PrivoSettings(
          serviceIdentifier: "{{value}}",
          envType: .Int,
          apiKey: "{{value}}"
    var body: some Scene {
      WindowGroup {